Wednesday, 24 July 2019

DFI Day 5: Devices

DFI Day 5: Devices

Manaiakalani Kaupapa and Pedagogy:

Today was based around being CYBERSMART.
Smart Learners LEARN - Smart Footprint CREATE - Smart Relationships SHARE
Each part is so important for us as teachers to learn, create and share so that we ourselves understand how to be cybersmart. There is a lot of information to sift through and I need more time to LEARN so that in turn I am able to CREATE & SHARE.

Improving my Confidence, Capability and Workflow as a Professional:

This is our fifth workshop and I am improving and get most of what we are doing.  I am constantly thinking about how the things I have learnt today, can be added to my current programs.  Confidence is building.  Capabililty will only improve in time.  Workflow as a Professional, well that is something that will improve over time.  For now though, learning my way around programs and creating worthwhile resources will contribute to a more efficient workflow.

Sharing my learning with my learners:

I created a Screencastify that had way too many ummms!  I will re do this but need more time to be specific so that I am prepared in the bits and pieces that I want to appear in my presentation.

Improving my Confidence, Capability and Workflow in my Personal Life:

Personally, I really do struggle with time... there is just not enough of it.  I probably need to reassess my responsibilities and what I put my hand up for.
I hope that I am able to manage my time better and get what I need done at school so that I do not end up working too much at home.  Teaching is my job... not my life and family must always come first!


  1. Hi Patsy, great to see you today. I know that our students really enjoyed listening to your beautiful korero this morning. Like you I also continually think about how this new learning can be added to my classroom program. There are so many relevant pieces that I can add in and some not so relevant. I've realised that I can't do everything at once but I can do more each time! I agree, school is school but whanau is first! Enjoy the rest of our short week and see you next Wednesday.

  2. Hi Patsy I like your screen castify I got the giggles doing mine so that is something to think about! I agree with your comments about struggling with time and thinking carefully about what you put your hand up for! Family must come first.

  3. I love the commitment you make to your learning, always keen to trial everything we learn! I love your discussion around finding a balance between work life and home - I think we all have to constantly juggle this.


BOIC TOD: He Waka Eke Noa

 He waka eke noa!  Working together! Today was our first Teacher Only Day here at kura and I was lucky enough to be part of the Professional...