Wednesday, 19 June 2019

DFI Day 3: Media

"Create is the hook" Matt, DFI 3, 2019.
This made so much sense to me.  I love the idea of open ended tasks and exploring creatively to discover.  Being creative means there are HIT and MISS outcomes that help us to learn.  
To create I need clarity around what the outcome is and if I were playing a game of netball.. where is our goalpost?  How I get there depends not only on me, but also the team around me.  It depends on whether I know the rules (knowledge) and have the skills (tools) that make it possible to get a goal.
I can read up on the game until the cows come home, but I will never fully understand the game until I have tried to play it.  Create is the doing and the learning happens throughout the process of creating.
As a professional I am learning more about the TOOLS available to me.  I need A LOT of intensive training to ensure that I know how to use these tools for the right reasons and use them effectively.  Google Hangouts, YouTube, Google Slides, Screencastify to name a few.  
All of these TOOLS I hope to utilise in my classroom programme and use the strengths of individuals within my classes to teach others. I am not an expert using any of these TOOLS but I will try to practice each one so that I get better.
On a personal level, I hope to take on the kōrero by Matt for Google Slides... "Less is more."
Here's a sneaky peak at my Screencastify that I created for my DIGITAL KOROWAI. 

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