Wednesday, 21 August 2019

DFI Day 9: Revision


If it’s worth teaching, it’s worth capturing

If it’s worth learning, it’s worth capturing

Ubiquitous is a big word for Anywhere, Anytime, Any Place and from Anyone.
Digital Technology is definitely UBIQUITOUS!
Effective teaching practice running alongside digital technology to transform learning and teaching experiences means that there are better opportunities for quality learning.  That you can rewind it, play it back, and then keep doing that if you still don't get it.  No matter where you are, what time it is or who is OR ISN'T around you.  

I like the idea of capturing learning and teaching and being in DFI means that I now have a better understanding of how digital technology can drive learning.  I am a strong believer in the relationships that we build with our students and if digital technology is so ubiquitous, I wonder if some students will choose to learn at home as opposed to an actual classroom? That poses both positive and negative thoughts, however for myself as a professional, I will continue to develop my competency and knowledge of digital technology so that my students are able to access learning and teaching ubiquitously.  

The skills that I have gained through DFI will also benefit other areas in my life that require visibilty and access to information. Definitely thankful for the time that we were given to upskill and learn amongst like minded colleagues who were also able to take on the challenge of upskilling.  Our students, whānau and school community will benefit from the skills that we have gained in DFI and I would like to say a big 'Thank You' for this opportunity to learn.  

Image result for google level 1 badge

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

DFI Day 8: Dealing with Data


Day 8 was pack jammed with new learning and lots of creating.  The philosophy of LEARN, CREATE, SHARE was in full swing!!  There was so much to LEARN.
SHARING came as we took risks to teach each other new learning, which resulted in less confusion and frustration.  
WE all contributed in some way to help others.  LEARNING is lifelong and here we are, in the same shoes that many of our students are in everyday at school. 

Here are the activities that we encountered today:
ACTIVITY: To create a GOOGLE FORM that contained criteria to show your level of expertise. 
DFI Survery

ACTIVITY: To work on a number of skills using GOOGLE SPREADSHEET
PWD Super Spread Sheet Activities

ACTIVITY: To export data from  a spreadsheet that was created from a GOOGLE FORM and using this data we had to ADD LAYERS locate destinations on a GOOGLE MAP.
Next step is to create a GOOGLE MAP showing the sites being visited for our China Tour.

ACTIVITY: To build our skills to CREATE A GRAPH from data in a GOOGLE SPREADSHEET and then EMBED it in our own blog. We 

Tara is a student from Papakura Central School who is posting a lot more each year.  The quality of her posts show her understanding of the learning and were a pleasure to read and comment on.  Well done Tara!  Kia ū ki te pai.

Patsy, Jo and Darren

Thanks to my DFI friends, JO and DARREN, for a great day of learning.  With our powers combined... we did it!  We took some risks and with a few more clicks, we got there!

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

DFI Day 7: Computational Thinking

Manaiakalani kaupapa and Empowerment:

Writing my reflection for our DFI Day 7 Session has taken longer than usual. This session was all about COMPUTATIONAL THINKING... something that I did not quite understand. I know that we are constantly adapting our thinking and processing to improve outcomes. This is not something new, it just now has a title tagged to it.

Dorothy talked about being EMPOWERED and exposure through technology. She talked about experiences and the passing down of knowledge... about the power of digital to transform how we learn and the opportunities available. That digital is more than just a tool. 

Rangatiratanga was mentioned and how this is enabled using digital technology. Rangatiratanga is self-determination and the right to control your own life. For some whānau, this technology is inaccessible and affordability is a barrier.  When we consciously know that many of our whānau are struggling financially, I cannot help but question why we are asking them to pay $500 for a chromebook when they are struggling to put food on the table?  I have no control if there is an expectation that I MUST buy a chromebook for my child at Year 9. It just doesn't feel right.

I understand that the work force is changing... that we need to prepare our students for the future and "get with the programme". We must remember that as a people it takes a village to raise a child, and that our whānau are empowered by being PART of the change and not the reason for it.

Improving my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

We were introduced to a range of tools that can be used in our classroom programmes.  I spent most of my time today creating the coding in the Scratch tool.  There were other tools that we were introduced to but I wanted to get my head around SCRATCH so that I could then implement it in one of my lessons.  

Like everything I need time to finish my SCRATCH presentation and fine tune some of the movements/ instructions so that it flows better from beginning to end. 
I'll add my SCRATCH when I know how to so as a treat... read my blog for our DFI Day 8 post.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Definitely using SCRATCH in one of my 1IDY lessons about Workplace Safety.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Rangatiratanga - self determination and having control of our lives. This relates to how I work and ensuring that I get the balance right. That I need to monitor how much time I am on devices, at work and at home. That I must always value face to face interactions with others and get out and be active. That digital technology is part of my day, but not all of it. I am growing in confidence to create and use various digital tools and as my understanding grows, I am able to utilise them with greater purpose.

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

DFI Day 6: Enabling Access

DFI  Day 6:  Enabling Acces

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy and Visible learning?  

Today I learnt that being VISIBLE is the kaupapa and if students and whānau don't know what the learning is, then you need to do something about it. Visibility is the game changer... the whole journey being visible and the learner being at the centre.  Our transparency keeps us safe. If we lay it out, we empower our learners.  What needs to be kept genuinely invisible? Bio data, disciplinary data, personal data. Barriers - passwords lock out others. Make sharing easy so take away passwords whenever possible. Hapara created a dashboard visible to the teacher and parent portal gives whānau access to track their child.
Hanging out with Julien, Darren and Dorothy
 What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
Teacher planning and outlines should also be visible.  I need to include these in my website so that information is accessible to all.  Today I pimped my website so that it includes my timetable with the hyperlinks to different lessons. I am developing greater knowledge to set up my website.
Boom... check out my pretty buttons!

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Navigating my website is a biggie which means that I need to dedicate time to set it up simply.  Looking at other peoples' sites have shown me what kind of layout I like and I can now go about my business creating a website that requires 'LESS CLICKS' to get around. 

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I learnt more about creating a website that is easier to navigate.  I have lots of work to do so hope that I can continue to build it and make my programme visible to my students, whānau and whoever else wants to see what we're doing in each of my classes.  

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

DFI Day 5: Devices

DFI Day 5: Devices

Manaiakalani Kaupapa and Pedagogy:

Today was based around being CYBERSMART.
Smart Learners LEARN - Smart Footprint CREATE - Smart Relationships SHARE
Each part is so important for us as teachers to learn, create and share so that we ourselves understand how to be cybersmart. There is a lot of information to sift through and I need more time to LEARN so that in turn I am able to CREATE & SHARE.

Improving my Confidence, Capability and Workflow as a Professional:

This is our fifth workshop and I am improving and get most of what we are doing.  I am constantly thinking about how the things I have learnt today, can be added to my current programs.  Confidence is building.  Capabililty will only improve in time.  Workflow as a Professional, well that is something that will improve over time.  For now though, learning my way around programs and creating worthwhile resources will contribute to a more efficient workflow.

Sharing my learning with my learners:

I created a Screencastify that had way too many ummms!  I will re do this but need more time to be specific so that I am prepared in the bits and pieces that I want to appear in my presentation.

Improving my Confidence, Capability and Workflow in my Personal Life:

Personally, I really do struggle with time... there is just not enough of it.  I probably need to reassess my responsibilities and what I put my hand up for.
I hope that I am able to manage my time better and get what I need done at school so that I do not end up working too much at home.  Teaching is my job... not my life and family must always come first!

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

DFI Day 4: Collaborate Sites

Manaiakalani Kaupapa and Pedagogy:

Today I learnt that Learn, Create, Share does not always happen in that order. Through the tasks that we covered, there were continual shifts between the creating and sharing and this lead to further learning which enabled tasks to be completed at a higher level. Learn, Create, Share... Learn, Share, Create... and in my case Learn, Create, Learn some more, Share...

Improving my Confidence, Capability and Workflow as a Professional:

By being digitally fluent I feel that I am able to purposefully create multi modal sites that will enhance the learning opportunities not only for the students, but also myself.  This will open up a greater resource base, utilizing a range of tools that will make learning more diverse.  Using technology is a tool and I will always include kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) collaboration in my classes to build the relationships, communication and organisation skills needed for life. 

It was great having Dion with us today.  Lots of kōrero around Matariki and how we can utilize what we're learning to our Māori Department.

Sharing my learning with my learners:

I look forward to creating websites that will help students to work at their varying levels and enable them to go back and recap on what has been covered.  Check out this practice website that I created:

Blogging will also be a big goal for my classes next week. 

Improving my Confidence, Capability and Workflow in my Personal Life:

If I put in the time now to create a solid website, this will make it easier in the long run.
I must get my butt into gear because...

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

DFI Day 3: Media

"Create is the hook" Matt, DFI 3, 2019.
This made so much sense to me.  I love the idea of open ended tasks and exploring creatively to discover.  Being creative means there are HIT and MISS outcomes that help us to learn.  
To create I need clarity around what the outcome is and if I were playing a game of netball.. where is our goalpost?  How I get there depends not only on me, but also the team around me.  It depends on whether I know the rules (knowledge) and have the skills (tools) that make it possible to get a goal.
I can read up on the game until the cows come home, but I will never fully understand the game until I have tried to play it.  Create is the doing and the learning happens throughout the process of creating.
As a professional I am learning more about the TOOLS available to me.  I need A LOT of intensive training to ensure that I know how to use these tools for the right reasons and use them effectively.  Google Hangouts, YouTube, Google Slides, Screencastify to name a few.  
All of these TOOLS I hope to utilise in my classroom programme and use the strengths of individuals within my classes to teach others. I am not an expert using any of these TOOLS but I will try to practice each one so that I get better.
On a personal level, I hope to take on the kōrero by Matt for Google Slides... "Less is more."
Here's a sneaky peak at my Screencastify that I created for my DIGITAL KOROWAI. 

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Blogging Tutorial Tuarua


Learners Log II:
In my journey to discover the jewels of blogging I find myself wondering how I can utilize this tool effectively and safely provide a platform to share my experiences, observations, opinions and information that others may find interesting.

I will base my teacher blog for inquiry from the Learn-Create-Share Structure.  That shall be my road code for blogging.

I'll try to label blogs and update them more often. Mileage is what will make me a better driver so I need to clock up some KMs.
Watch this space!

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

DFI Day 2: Workflow

AKO - Today I have learnt so much about Google Hangouts, Google Keep, Google Mail, Tasks, Google Calendar, Tabs and Bookmarks and the various ins and outs for each.  Phew!
Revision of each part needs to happen and I MUST make time to learn how to use these effectively and efficiently.
HANGA - Creating and recording our HANGOUT group conversation was good practice. Applying what we'd learnt in the morning session - Creating a Google CALENDAR Appointment - Inviting people to HANGOUT - Remembering how to mute/unmute, present, share the whole screen... and THEN record using Microsoft Power Point...Double Phew!  I must create more opportunities this week to practice these skills so that I am able to Create and utilize these tools as a HOF, teacher, learner and mum.
TOHATOHA - Finally, sharing the recording with Penney and Bronwyn.  The conversations around how we can use this in our own classroom settings. I also appreciate the time given at the end to comment on our learning during the day.
After failing to upload our FIRST HANGOUT RECORDING I will approach someone tomorrow to help me.  Small steps, so hopefully by Friday, it will be posted.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

DFI Day 1: Core Business

Week 1 Blog Post
  1. I always thought that Manaiakalani was all about Chromebooks... well... it's not.  It is about the pedagogy of the Learn, Create, Share Model blending schooling improvement with digital learning. It's about authentic learning and having a voice to share with others.  Knowledge without Action is nothing but dust!
  2. To improve my confidence as a professional I need to dedicate time to practice new learning and teach others so that it sticks... LEARN & SHARE! My capability will grow as I add new learning as an extension to what I already know.  Being more efficient and actually 'knowing' rather than 'guessing' will also boost my confidence and capability to CREATE fun and innovative learning and teaching experiences for us all. 
  3. So much of what we learnt today can be shared with our learners.  From tidying up our GOOGLE DRIVES to creating GOOGLE DOCS to ensure all students are creating folders, saving work into the correct folder and naming each document the same.  Keeping it simple and making the learning and use of the learn, create, share pedagogy to drive my programme relevant!
  4. In my personal life, the learning gained today will hopefully over time, give me time to have a personal life.  That means being more efficient, utilising programmes and building my capablity to carry out the Learn, Create, Share Model.  

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Nga Manu Korero 2019 Programme

10:30am Pōwhiri (for all schools) in the Northland College Gynasium
3pm - 3:20pm Paramanawa / Afternoon Tea
5pm Karakia whakamutunga / Closing prayer (approximate time)
6pm Pōwhiri at Kohewhata Marae (for schools registered)

7:30 - 7:45am Senior speakers in Pei Te Hurinui Jones and Korimako sections are asked
to meet in the MUSIC ROOM to begin impromptu preparations.
8:15 Karakia
11am Paramanawa / Morning tea

11:30am Competition resumes
1:30pm Lunch
2:15pm Competition resumes
4:15pm Paramanawa / Afternoon tea
4.45pm Competition resumes
6pm Karakia whakamutunga / Closing prayer (approximate time)
8:15am Karakia tīmatanga / Opening prayer
10:30am Paramanawa / Morning tea
11am Competition resumes
1pm Lunch
1:45pm Competition resumes
4.15pm Paramanawa / Afternoon tea
4.30pm Competition resumes
NOTE Prize Giving will begin 30 minutes after the final speaker.
Tuku Mauri - hand over the competition to next years host Taipa Area School.
6pm Karakia whakamutunga / Closing prayer (approximate time)

BOIC TOD: He Waka Eke Noa

 He waka eke noa!  Working together! Today was our first Teacher Only Day here at kura and I was lucky enough to be part of the Professional...